Tuesday 31 May 2011

lets give this another go ...

So this is my second blog post, the first, as expected did not prove to be an internet sensation nor did it catapult me in to the domain of online stardom. So with no photo shoots for glossy magazines to attend or celebrity parties to partake in I find my self writing the second instalment of my diary as a mousekeeper. Furthermore I have accepted the nature of this blog has shifted from being an attention-grabbing, entertaining, informative insight in to the world of Disney to more of a personal hobby, which serves the simple purpouse of passing time (which I have way too much of since finishing uni) but Mandela, Ghandi or Walt Disney him self didn’t give up at the first post (no generic blogging pun intended) and therefore I have decided to continue with the diary of a mousekeeper.

Purely coincidently I happen to write this particular post once again on a Tuesday, and once again many fellow cast members are on their way to (perhaps already arrived ) at Disney, since last week my envy has grown and grown, I am seeing pictures of people recivcing their costumes or reading status updates about traditions class, or where they are working or where they are living etc and in the nicest possible way – I hate you all – I say this with love, as my jealously stems from my strong desire to be out there too. I unfortunately have to wait another 18days or so which on reflection isn’t long at all, but right now Disney is on my mind 24/7 – If I were taken to a psychiatrists im pretty sure the prognosis would be a slight touch of Disney obsession.  But good things come to those who wait (or some other variety of cliché) and I too will be out in Orlando very soon.

Today I was in two minds as to whether I should create this post, part of me is screaming to write as much as I can about my favourite subject and another part of me thinks A) who cares and B) why waste everyone’s time because admittedly as of yet I don’t actually have anything to report, so I aim to keep this short as possible. But if most of you reading this know me then I think we know this probably wont happen.

So what is new this week? Well honestly I don’t have much to report, I did buy a new suit for traditions and that I’m afraid is about the most exciting news I have. Although I don’t have anything remotely Disney to report I have been thinking a lot about my experience last year and have spent most of the week praying to the God of Disney Housing Operations that I am allocated patterson court as my housing complex. Last year was incredible we had the best people living at patterson and my roommates were amazing we all got on so well (guys if your reading this you all rock – Baris & Everan WTF crazy turkish!!!) and I just hope I am fortunate enough this year to get a similar group of people.

Well I meant what I said about keeping it short so I think that’s enough for now I don’t want to bore everyone at my second post. Have a Magical day folks, till next time… se ya real soon ;-)  


  1. Adam I love you! And miss you loads.

    And Dam right you had the best house mates (especially your room mate =]) ! ! No one will ever replace us!

    Please bring me home a bottle of popov vodka I would do anything for it! I so wish I going back!

    I know you'll have a fab time! I'm looking into doing the year long course either this year or starting of next year.

    Miss you mate, and again I hope you have the best time ever!

    Mucho's love and shizz

    Ryan AKA Raza Baza =] x x

  2. Nice to read a blog about somebody else who is just itching to get there now! I know you said that 18 days isn't long, but when all the other groups are already there and we are the last group left in the UK, well... it's way too long :)x
