Tuesday 12 July 2011

In an attempt to stop spending money and eating excessively I have opted for a ‘quiet’ night in, although I have succeeded on the no spending front I find myself eating anything an everything in my cupboard, as I write this I am munching on a oatmeal and raisin cookie, in addition I have the entire box within arms reach and I can pretty much guarantee I will embrace the American eating habits and finish the box tonight. But its ok oats are healthy and raisin is a fruit so its a healthy snack by US standards. Admittedly this is quite a bizarre way to start a post supposed to be about my life in Florida, however its actually quite appropriate because I firstly want to bring to everyone’s attention the food out here sucks (see, Ive fully grasped the American lingo already) everything is trans fat this and added cheese that, vegetables are near impossible to find and according to a very sweet yet incredibly misguided lady in walmart, fries are considered one of my five a day because a potato – according to Americans is considered a vegetable.
Im probably been over harsh on the notoriously bad US eating ethics, and this is not intended to be offensive or in any way representative of the American people, in fact the opposite, as I have met some fantastic people from all over the US, their warmth and friendliness towards me has been incredible,  but when one is used to a particular eating habit  and thrown in to a calorie / carb / fried food fest its difficult to adapt. Ok rant over I think I’ve made my opinions clear on the food out here, so I shall continue with what people actually want to hear about DISNEY!
Recently I have been feeling disappointed with this years program, of course I love been here, and I love the company but I don’t feel I am suitable for the role of mousekeeping, the work is hard, physical and by its very nature carries an element of isolation, I don’t object to the physicality of the work I actually enjoy the challenge – its the lack of contact with people that was eating away at my positivity, whilst bordering on arrogant I feel I can say my skill set lies within the boundaries of customer service and being taken out of the guest arena is somewhat demotivating. However I am very fortunate to work for a exceptionally supportive manager who I believe does have my best interests at heart, so after a week or so of moaning and a dubiously high amount self doubt  I am beginging to see my potential within housekeeping and I now believe I can make just as much impact aesthetically as I can with face to face contact. Although I still feel I am yet to reach the peak of my pessimism, day by day I can feel the positivity starting to resurface and therefore don’t mind getting up at 6am as much as I did before.
Having worked in a guest facing environment for the majority of my (arguably short) working life I still crave the interaction with people, so thanks to the extra hours hotline(EHH as its collectively referred to in Disney*) I have been working at the Magic Kingdom as a parade audience controller. I pick up shifts when available and it means a long day because I work at pop in the day then MK at night, but I do not consider PAC to be work, this to me is fun I essentially get paid to watch the fireworks and nightly parade, the people interaction is great and I pick up overtime pay which is always a nice boost to the wage packet. I was fortunate to be working on 4th July this year (yes fortunate I do love PAC) and the independence day celebrations were incredible although clearly not American I couldn’t help but feel in total awe at the huge fireworks display choreographed to star spangled banner, although I don’t  pretend to know where the strong sense of American pride stems from, judging by the fireworks display at MK my guess would be .... Disney. So yeah in short I love PAC.

At this time I am a little behind on my blogging, I do have loads to write about but feel any one post can only be so long so am having to constrain myself to ensure you don’t get bored, I hope what I am writing so far is interesting and provides an insight in to what Im getting up to here in Florida. So thanks for continually reading you attention is appreciated. See ya real soon   

*- Disney Thrive on acronyms if it can be abbreviated, it is. I could laboriously detail examples but the relevancy is questionable and I doubt most of you will even be interested.    

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